For Appointment: 96824699750, 96896545535

Terms & Conditions

1) Definitions and terms:

The clinic: The HKC+, which is specialized in treating children and adults, is located in Al-Sarooj. Specialist physicians and specialists: Doctors working in the clinic and the medical support groups according to their professional and technical specialties, to contribute to the treatment of patients according to the type of sickness

Law: - The law regulating the practice of the profession of medicine and the allied medical professions issued by Royal Decree No. 75/2019 and the regulations issued in implementation thereof, and Ministerial Decision No. 109/2020 regarding the conditions of visual medicine (telemedicine) or any other law that may be issued regarding the regulation of the medical profession and the allied medical professions.

Legal age: It is the completion of eighteen years of age according to the Civil Transactions Law promulgated by Royal Decree No. 29/2013.

Competent authorities: - Any concerned government agency, whether it has administrative, technical or judicial authority in the Sultanate of Oman.

The application HKC +: The name of the application, which is an electronic platform for the HKC+ and available to the public in order to obtain some services and data through it; inside and outside the Sultanate of Oman.

User: - Everyone who enters the application with the intention of registering to obtain its services electronically.

Electronic file: The file that contains the patient's personal and medical data, and it is saved in special electronic files (database) belonging to the clinic, for reference upon request or when required.

Available data: - The data which provided by the patient or his/her family related to personal data or pathological data.

Visual therapy (telemedicine): - Is communication by using modern means of communication through which the doctor, supportive medical groups, and the patient can communicate by voice and image to discuss the patient’s condition and recommend appropriate treatment for him/her.

2) Conditions for registration and log in:

The registration conditions are according to the following:

  1. 1- In order to benefit from our services, you will need to register with us and provide your email address details to obtain a new account with the (HKC + application) that entitles you to obtain an electronic username and a password to use when log in to the (HKC + application), and each user must follow the following:
    • A- The user must make every effort to maintain the security of his/her password and should not disclose it to anyone else, and may not transfer or use his/her email address and password by any other person.
  2. 2- Conditions of Log in and usage.
    • A- Whoever enters the (HKC+ application) with the intent to use or perform any action must have reached the legal age, also possess mental powers, have not been forbidden, have full capacity to exercise his/her civil rights, and the data available to the patient must be recorded by one of his/her parents or from his/her guardian or from the patient himself/herself. B- The users of (HKC + application) upon registration bear all responsibilities for any incorrect data or information provided to the clinic and the damages that may result from the users, the clinic or other parties.
    • C- Users of (HKC + application) are responsible for any medical data they may result in medical complications/side effects or receiving any wrong treatment resulting from that provided data.
    • D- Users of (HKC + application) bear all technical consequences or failures that are not related to (HKC + application), but rather to the devices used.

3) General provisions:

The following provisions apply to (HKC +application) users:

  1. 1- The clinic advises all those wishing to register with the (HKC + application) to read this terms and conditions that governs its relationships with its clients, as the user’s continued registration process considers them to agree to all what it contains - the terms and conditions contained in the (HKC + application) - it regulates the nature of the relationship that abide the parties.
  2. 2- The clinic has the right to limit, stop or terminate any of the services it provides in the (HKC + application), and it is also entitled to prevent users from entering the application or remove any materials or publications, or to take electronic or legal measures to prevent users from logging in the application without prior warning. In the event that the clinic administration finds that there are legitimate and necessary justifications to take any of these measures for any reason.
  3. 3- The conditions and regulations included in the application cannot be exploited or reused by other parties, but rather as an agreement governing the relationship with (HKC + application) as well as the intellectual property of the clinic, including everything related to (HKC + application).
  4. 4- Any ambiguity in any of the regulations or a misunderstanding may not be interpreted in a way that negatively affects the interest of any of the parties.
  5. 5- It is not possible to refer to any other regulations or policies other than those stipulated by the clinic’s (HKC + application).
  6. 6- The clinic is not responsible in the event that payment procedures have been completed, resulted in any technical consequences related to financial matters between the customer and the bank; has no connection with (HKC + application).

4) Legal responsibility:

Users of (HKC + application) are prohibited from using it in any way violated the law, and they must adhere to the following:

  1. 1- Not to use (HKC + application) or any of the electronic data and information in it to commit cyber crimes or any other crime punishable by law, and any violation to the law will expose users to legal accountability, and they will bear legal responsibility for those crimes.
  2. 2- The "user" bears’ all legal responsibilities for the data provided by him/her in the (HKC + application), whether related to the clinic or visual treatment (telemedicine), whether medical or non-medical, and that he made about the patient's medical history.

5) Services:

  1. 1- Appointments The clinic is keen to provide appointment services through the (HKC+ application) according to the latest system in it to ensure that you obtain appointments to meet doctors who specialize in the patient’s condition smoothly in order to provide the best medical services and obtain the appropriate treatment to achieve the maximum benefit from this service, users of the (HKC + application) must adhere to the following: A- Selecting the specialist doctor for the type of sickness that the patient suffers according to the list of doctors shown in (HKC + application), and users can also contact the clinic to help choose the right doctor for the particular case, and the clinic does not bear any responsibility for their choice of the doctor if the sickness does not apply with the reserved appointment, and in each conditions; the case will be evaluated upon attendance at the clinic and referred to the specialist doctor. 2- Attendance
  2. A- The necessity to come to the clinic before the booked time (15 min) and the clinic is not responsible for failing to provide the service on time if it results from the application users ’failure to abide by the instructions for appointments.
  3. 3- Payment of appointment fees Fees are paid as follows:
    • A- 50% of the visiting consultant doctor fees must be paid in advance via (HKC + application) and the remaining 50% must be paid when attending the clinic.
    • B- When booking an appointment with the specialist doctors who is working in the clinic, 25% of the visiting fee’s is paid in advance via (HKC + application), and the rest of the amount is paid when attending the clinic.
    • C- In case the appointment is booked for visual therapy services (remotely/On-line), the full amount will be paid in advance when booking the appointment via (HKC + application).
    • D- In case that the appointment is booked in (HKC + application) and when not showing up on the booked date, the amount paid will not be returned, and in case the patient would like to book a new appointment, it is booked directly at the clinic, and if the patient do not want to book any other appointments within three months, 50% is refunded of the fees paid.
  4. 4- Booking of appointments in cases of emergency A- It is not allowed to book appointments via (HKC + application) for emergency cases, but the patient is brought to the clinic directly.

6) Visual communication therapy:

  1. 1- The clinic introduced (HKC + application) treatment through visual therapy (telemedicine), and users can choose between a physical visit to the clinic or diagnosis and treatment through visual therapy (telemedicine), and when using visual therapy (telemedicine), the clinic confirms that it will adhere to the necessary requirements in this regard as follows:
    • A- All the visits that will take place between the clinic and the patient with (HKC + application) about visual therapy (telemedicine) will be using the (Zoom) application.
    • B- To ensure the quality and integrity of the data provided by users, all visits related to visual therapy (telemedicine) will be recorded, and the clinic will keep these records for a maximum period of 24 months, and the clinic will not be able to keep these recordings for more than the aforementioned period.
    • C - The clinic makes a medical diagnosis according to the available data and medical examinations, and if it finds that the available data is insufficient, the patient needs a clinical examination, whom must personally come to the clinic for further examination so that the clinic can provide the appropriate treatment for his/her sickness.
    • D - Once you log in to the Zoom and make a visual contact with the doctor, the fees paid are not refundable regardless of the outcome of the treatment, whether it was completed or ended with a recommendation to come to the clinic, or to change or transfer the patient to another treatment doctor.

7) Guarantee of treatment:

The clinic is committed to providing its medical services according to the highest standards of quality assurance, and for that it is committed to provide its services according to the following:

  1. 1- Treatment in the clinic
    • A. Obligated to give the patient's interest to the highest priority, and to ensure the utmost safety in providing medical advice and appropriate treatment.
    • B. Providing a specialized medical staff to provide high quality and licensed medical services.
    • C. Commitment to the Ethics of the medical profession and to make every effort to provide treatment in accordance with recognized medical principles.
  2. 2- Visual therapy (telemedicine)
    • A- To give the patient's interest the highest priority by using visual therapy (telemedicine), the clinic is committed to treating the patient according to professionally recognized medical principles to ensure the utmost safety, and to provide medical advice and appropriate treatment.
    • B- The clinic affirms its commitment to ensuring the privacy of the patient’s data, and that all personal, medical information and data are considered confidential, they will be kept in the patient’s electronic file and the guarantee is that they are not circulated/disclosed except for medical purposes only inside the clinic, and the patient’s medical reports will be available to him/her or his/her family when needed.
    • C- The clinic confirms that the medical staff who provides the service of visual therapy (telemedicine) is licensed by the competent authority at the Ministry of Health.

8) Confidentiality:

The clinic is obligated to ensure the complete confidentiality of its clients, and for that, it is committed taking the following measures:

  1. 1- The patient's medical data is very important, including through visual therapy (telemedicine), and that data must be confidential, and only the clinic’s staff should have access to it. The clinic also stores this data in an electronic file for each patient, and thus the clinic is keen only to those authorized to access to it, and for medical purposes only, in order to follow up on the patient's condition.
  2. 2- Doctors and medical support groups who are working in the clinic are also obligated not to divulge the patient’s secrets that come to his/her knowledge through practicing the profession or because of it without his/her written consent, unless the clinic required to provide such data by the competent authorities or what excluded to disclose it according to the law.

9) Terms of Service:

To provide the service with (HKC + application), the clinic provides its services according to the following:

  1. 1- The clinic does not bear any responsibility that results or will result from any incorrect data provided to it.
  2. 2- The user must read, agree and accept all terms and conditions in (HKC + application), which include the terms and conditions expressly stipulated as must be.
  3. 3- Mark the checkbox "I agree" at the end of the registration page, so that the user has accepted and agreed to all terms and conditions when using (HKC + application).
  4. 4- If the user do not agree to abide by these terms and conditions, the user may not use or access our services, and (HKC + application) will not be able to provide the user with the service, and in case of inquiries or comments about the terms, the user can contact the clinic.

10) Policy for changing the terms and conditions:

We may update the terms and conditions from time to time, so these changes in (HKC + application) become automatically effective and abiding on users from the date of amendments, as the user will be informed of these changes via (HKC + application), accordingly .

11) Responsibilities of Patients / Their Families:

In order to provide the best services and high-quality patient treatment to reach to the standards for providing service in the clinic, patients / their families must adhere to the following instructions:

  1. 1- Bring the medical card / insurance card at every visit to the clinic.
  2. 2- Follow the rules and regulations executed by the clinic.
  3. 3- Show respect and deal kindly with employees.
  4. 4- Not to use abusive language and / or display anti-social behavior to other patients, visitors, or employees.
  5. 5- Attention to the needs of others.
  6. 6- Giving accurate information about personal details and previous medical history, as well as informing the medical staff of any treatments and medicines they are taking, and the history of allergies or allergic reaction to any medicine.
  7. 7- Bear all responsibility arising from failure to follow the clinic's medical staff instructions / or treatment plan and recommendations.
  8. 8- Inform the clinic if they are unable to attend in advance to maintain outpatient appointments and use the appointment for another person extremely indeed of treatment.
  9. 9- Ensure payment for the services provided to the clinic in accordance with what is stated in this terms and conditions or other specific dates by the clinic without delay.

Declaration of the patient / or his-her family:

I would like to declare that I have read all the terms and conditions in (HKC + application) about the provision of medical services in the clinic, including the visual treatment (telemedicine) application, and that I agree to those conditions contained therein according to the application outlined in it.